Margo Riorson headshot
Margo Riorson headshot

Margo Riordan

Software Engineering Apprentice

Margo is our Software Engineering Apprentice. Her interests have always rested somewhere at the intersection between creativity and logic. She studied everything from graphic design to mathematics before finding her niche in computer science. Margo also has over a decade of professional experience in the hospitality industry. The collaboration, communication, and multitasking she learned in that field have made her exceptional at communicating directly with clients and efficiently resolving their issues.

Whether it’s debugging and testing a Java or C# based application or training a Machine Learning Model using Python, Margo is as adaptable as she is curious. She owes some of this to her extensive traveling, which has also inspired her to achieve her goal of becoming a polyglot. Her knack for spoken language helps her pick up computer programming languages quickly, and she is able to consider and solve problems in new ways with each language she learns.

Margo believes it is the responsibility of programmers to make the world a more manageable place, and she hopes to use her career to create a positive impact through her creativity, analytical skills, and communication.

“A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.”