Brian Kozik headshot
Brian Kozik headshot

Brian Kozik

Software Engineer

I grew up in the Cleveland area, having tons of fun outside. I spent 8 months of the year busy with tennis, basketball, running, cycling, and more. Reading books cozily indoors was how I spent the other 4. Year-round, I loved eating tons of delicious foods to replenish all those calories I was burning. I got a taste of the West being in Arizona for college, and fell in love with the mountains (and the lack of humidity). These days, I can stay active year round, snowboarding through the winters!  

I knew for a long time that I wanted to be a software developer. I always enjoyed building things (starting out with K’nex, Legos and Bionicles) and fell hard for what felt like the infinite possibilities given to me by computer languages. I had some experience before college with an online CS class and FIRST robotics, and once I really dived in, I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. Being able to see something that you created is such a great feeling.

Let your soul shine. It’s better than sunshine. It’s better than moonshine. Damn sure better than rain. -Allman Brothers