Brad Griffith teaches Accelerate Columbus students in a conference room.

Buckeye Innovation’s Website Acceleration Workshop Series

Weeknights are often busy; whether it’s catching up on work, driving kids to soccer games, or getting ready for the week ahead, it can be difficult to find extra time in the schedule for anything new. But for ten Columbus-based entrepreneurs enrolled in Buckeye Innovation’s Website Acceleration Workshop Series, weeknights are also for learning. This program helps small business owners to develop their online presence and increase awareness of their brand. 

Participants meet with Buckeye Innovation President Brad Griffith to learn how to build, design, and maintain a marketing website for their business. This is an interactive program in which students learn tools to create and maintain their own website. We give them the hands-on skills they need to be successful long after the program is complete. 

Our Vision

The Website Acceleration Series is part of Accelerate Columbus, which has been providing business development programming since 2019. Buckeye Innovation got involved with Accelerate Columbus because giving back to the community is fundamental to our core values. Our vision is that all businesses and organizations have equitable access to the best web and mobile technology to grow their impact on the community. Smaller businesses and organizations often do not have access to great technology, design, and content strategy services. Through this workshop, which is free for participants, we can help to even the playing field.  

Get Involved!

  • No prior web development experience is necessary for this workshop! However, we recommend that participants have the ability to navigate a computer or laptop. This includes navigation of email and internet browsers.
  •  The classes meet in-person, but we understand that sometimes illness or travel obligations get in the way. Students have the option to virtually so that they don’t miss out on any of the workshop’s 6 sessions. 
  • To be eligible for the Website Acceleration Workshop, your business must be located in the City of Columbus. If you have not yet started your business or if your business is a home-based business, your residential address must be located in the City of Columbus.


If you are interested in applying for the Fall Cohort of the Website Acceleration Workshop, please complete the Accelerate Columbus Application.

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