Village launches Innovate New Albany

ThisWeek Community Newspapers

By Lori Wince | Wednesday March 9, 2011

New Albany officials hope to make the village an innovation center for development with a new initiative that includes an expanded incubator program for small businesses.

The village recently launched Innovate New Albany – which will use the village’s assets and help connect entrepreneurs with mentors, capital and other necessary resources – to build on the spirit of innovation that already exists locally, said community development director Jennifer Chrysler.

Chrysler said 13 of the 15 available office suites already are occupied by companies like Buckeye Interactive, which is owned by Brad Griffith and specializes in interactive marketing and website development. Griffith founded his business in the former incubator site at 6530 W. Campus Oval and said working in New Albany has been a positive experience.

“They have the infrastructure to support small businesses,” Griffith said. “The village has helped to promote us and connected us to other small businesses. There are some very successful small businesses in New Albany.”

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