Startup Weekend Columbus – Scholarships AWARDED

Congratulations to our Ten Buckeye Interactive Scholars!

We’ve finished shuffling through the applications to our Scholars Program, and we finally narrowed the field down to 10 lucky candidates, now Buckeye Interactive Scholars who are headed for Startup Weekend Columbus. And the Buckeye Interactive Scholars are…

Andrew Peña – Columbus College of Art & Design

Anthony Manna – VeriPulse

Austin Hutchinson – Ohio State University

Brian Baugh – Columbus College of Art & Design

Charlie Hess – Ohio State University

Christian Castro – Ohio State University

Julian Valencia – Ohio State University

Lance Pioch – Varsify

Sai Arora – Ohio State University

Zack Hall – Ohio State University

From November 9th thru November 11th, these startup enthusiasts will work on teams to help build and launch businesses in a 54-hour timeframe. We’re proud to help sponsor up-and-coming entrepreneurs in the Columbus area, and can’t wait to see what our scholars come up with.

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