Inspirational Web Design Sources

With the web being an ever changing world new web design trends are constantly rising and falling. It is a constant effort on my part to keep up with or even try to get ahead of the curve in the online design world.  There is a wealth of gallery type websites featuring different works by artists displaying excellent examples I use for my personal inspiration. I have hand picked a few of my favorites that I check on a daily basis:

    Daily updated feed of the best of the best designed web pages. A broad spectrum of websites makes it a great source of inspiration.
  2. Line25 
    A design blog run by Chris Spooner a very popular and well known designer from the UK. Offers his “sites of the week” which features excellent web sites as well as various other resources and links he posts daily.
  3. Abduzeedo
    A design blog started by Fabio Sasso another popular web designer who comes from Brazil. Includes galleries of  their own “sites of the week” as well as various artworks and even free fonts.
  4. CSS Design Awards
    Similar to AWWWARDS in nature, they feature the best of the best on the web. Updated quite frequently it is another great resource.

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