Future Of Web Design NYC Recap.

From November 7th through the 9th I spent my time in New York City attending the Future of Web Design conference at the New World Stages. While attending I was fortunate enough to listen to several presentations given by quite the lineup including a few names such as Brandon Mathis, Nick Petit, and Cameron Moll just to name a few.

Presentation Highlights

Brandon Mathis – Sass & Compass: The Future Of Stylesheets Now

Brandon Mathis is a devoted enthusiast of using Sass and Compass to increase the capabilities and ease of use when generating stylesheets while designing web creations. Both were things I was incredibly curious about and getting to see him totally geek out on stage and be so passionate about his topic was a great experience to see and made his talk much more engaging.

Nick Petit – Super-Powered CSS Animations

Nick Petit went into great depth explaining how powerful CSS animations can be while still keeping them in the realm of realistic applications. CSS being a great love of mine this was one of the most beneficial talks for me personally as well as a great motivator to learn more about these effects that are gradually being adopted by all modern browsers.

Jesse Friedman – Responsive WordPress Theming

Jess Friedman made a great emphasis (as well as many other speakers) of how we need to adapt our web creations to be usable on all devices. No longer do we live in a desktop world and the web-page you create soon will more likely be viewed on a mobile device. He showcased his own personal portfolio at http://jesserfriedman.com/ which expands and contracts to your current browsers width. This was a great influential talk which motivated me to relaunch my portfolio at http://markpeckart.com/ to be responsive as well!


Future Of Web Design in New York City was a great growing experience. Getting to meet and get to talk with so many other motivated and talented people in the web design industry was truly a great moment in my career thus far. I hope to revisit this convention next time around!

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