Our Core Values & What They Mean

In almost every single one of our blog posts, we mention the word “values.” And, definitely, in all of our blog posts and in everything we do, we keep our core values in mind. They guide the way we work, of course, but more importantly, they guide the way we conduct ourselves. Our company culture rests on our values. Our vision and mission statements rest on our values. And our perspectives rest on our values.

We think you get the point. Safe to say, our three core values are Buckeye Interactive’s foundation. Without further ado, here they are–ingenuity, initiative, and collaboration. Each of these words embodies a different message and a different aura. You put them together, and you get Buckeye Interactive! 

Ingenuity. Be clever.

Ingenuity is “the quality of being clever, original, and inventive.”  This value is important to us because it embraces our passion for our jobs.

When building or designing websites, when managing clients, when writing copy–we strive to be clever and original. We face challenges not just by surviving them–we face challenges by solving them in ways no one has ever solved them before. We might even get the same challenge twice. But our solutions are never the same.

We’re dedicated to innovating our way around hurdles to delivering great results. We love what we do, and our hard work and passion drive us forward. We work efficiently and with purpose to create effective processes and products for our clients. 

Initiative. Take action.

Initiative is “the ability to assess and initiate things independently.” This value is important to us because it inspires us to make a change and make an impact through our actions, both individually and collectively.

Each of us on the team is responsible for the quality of work we do, and we take it upon ourselves to see solutions through to completion. We rarely have all of the information or resources we need at first, but we take initiative to find those resources, pursue the best possible path, and find a solution.

If we see something that we think can be made better, we’re encouraged to actually do something about it. No matter how small the change is, or how daunting it might be, we take initiative to make our corner of the world a better place.

Collaboration. Work together.

Collaboration is “the action of working with someone to produce something.” Last but not least, this value is important to us because it promotes communication, feedback, and discussion that’s both effective and fulfilling.

Successful relationships require authenticity and transparency with appreciation for the value each of us offers. Engineering, design, and strategy are not distinct disciplines at Buckeye Interactive—they are processes and tools used together to achieve the greatest results.

We work together every step of the way to ensure we’re meeting our clients’ needs. Not only that, through our collaboration, we become a team, a family, a force. By making sure each person feels heard, we create an environment that’s uplifting and inspiring.

We create an environment in which we can be clever, take action, and work together.

Those core values, individually and collectively, help us amplify the impact innovators have on our world. We will continue doing exactly that! We hope this gave you a little bit more insight into how we operate and what we are passionate about! If our values align and if you’re in need of a website or a redesign or some marketing help or anything in between, don’t hesitate to contact us or start a project with us. We are always here!




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