Leveraging LinkedIn Effectively to Positively Impact Your Business

Picture taken from this blog http://shakarian.wordpress.com/

Join Buckeye Interactive’s Interactive Media Coordinator, Sarah Davis, as she explores the complex world of social media giant LinkedIn. Designed for the businessperson with an established LinkedIn presence this presentation will be focused on giving you tips to expand your client base — a daunting task when face-to-face networking will only expose your brand to a limited number of people. In this hour-long workshop learn how to best utilize a powerful tool you already have for exposing your company or brand to an exponential number of contacts. LinkedIn offers many advantages over traditional networking and advertising for business including its targeted user suggestions and endless outreach possibilities.


During the presentation, the basics of Linked in will be covered including the topics of :

• Account Types
• Company Pages for your Business or Brand
• “Network of Trusted Professionals” (1st-degree connection)
• Contacting 2nd Degree and Further Connections
• Networking via Groups and Companies
• In Mail

This event has passed. If you would like updates regarding it, please email us at info@buckeyeinnovation.com . 

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