brad griffith
brad griffith

Brad Griffith


Brad was born into an entrepreneurial family and is raising his kids in one, too. He knows the challenges of growing a business are real and has felt them first-hand through his parents’ business and those of his clients. Brad built his first website for an Animal Farm book report in 6th grade because PowerPoint presentations were becoming too common to impress his teachers, and he fell in love with web development at his high school job working for an educational planning firm.

Electrical and Computer Engineering at Ohio State was more fun for Brad than his original plans to be a physician, and returning to OSU for his MBA, rounded out an otherwise technical background. Brad has dedicated his work life to supporting business growth through web engineering and design because of the impact our clients’ success has on our community.

“Vulnerability is not knowing victory or defeat, it’s understanding the necessity of both; it’s engaging. It’s being all in.” – Brenee Brown