Embrace and Engage Our Young Professionals

Different things make them tick! They don’t read the morning paper from 6:30 to 7, over a cup of coffee. (But they may consume more content on their iPhone or tablet between 8 & 8:30). They don’t look forward to an 8:00 AM Senior Staff meeting, where the best prepared member of the team earns the most points with the boss. (But hey may know the material, inside and out). They don’t follow the same patterns, wear the same clothes, watch the same TV programs or listen to the same radio stations (if they listen to the radio at all). BUT THEY ARE TALENTED!

We may not necessarily agree with all (if any) of the younger generation’s patterns, habits, apparel or even perhaps their “gum chewing” approach to problem solving or innovation, but, THEY ARE TALENTED!

For most of us, our parents thought the same of us, as we were bucking the system and listening to music (louder than they preferred) that, they didn’t care for. BUT WE MADE IT.

I encourage everyone that reads this, to Embrace and Engage the young professional talent around you, and not to take their square peg and attempt to pound it into our round hole. I encourage all of us, to see the talented silver lining (within our perceived dark cloud), and be the best mentor you can be, to our next generation of business leaders. Don’t try to change their ways, but share with them, your philosophies on, tremendous character, integrity and always doing the right thing. These talented young professionals at our sides will be shaping the world for future generations, Embrace and Engage It!

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